Amaravati Sustainable Capital City Development Project


Amaravati Capital City Development Project consists of multiple projects in three phases over a plan period of 35 years. World Bank supported "Amaravati Sustainable Capital City Development Project (ASCCDP)", is aimed at supporting specified components identified by APCRDA / Government of Andhra Pradesh, related to the initial and most critical infrastructure to help develop the city.

The Project Development objective for the proposed ASCCDP - " To build urban services of flood mitigation, sanitation and road connectivity for selected parts of Amaravati Capital City as well as develop capacity of its public urban governance institutions" - reflects the objectives of the specific components being supported under this project by the bank.

Main components of ASCCDP are envisaged as - a) basic urban pro-poor infrastructure components b) Green / Climate resilient urban investment component and c) Technical assistance component.

  1. Disclosure of Final Draft of Environmental & Social Management Framework.
       1.1 Telugu Translated version of the Executive Summary of Environmental & Social Management Framework (ESMF)
  2. 26-09-2017 - Final Draft of Resettlement Policy Framework pursuant to public consultations held on August 29 and 30, 2017
  3.    2.1 Telugu translated version of the Executive Summary of Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF)
  4. 26-09-2017 - Draft Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for 10 Priority roads pursuant to public consultations on August 29 and 30, 2017
  5.    3.1 Telugu translated version of the Executive Summary of RAP for 10 roads
  6. 26-09-2017 - Draft EIA-EMP for 10 priority roads pursuant to public consultations on August 29 and 30, 2017
  7.    4.1 Telugu translated version of the Executive Summary of EA and EMP of 10 roads
  8. Draft Resettlement Action Plan for Flood Management Works
  9.    5.1 List of LPS landowners whose lands are covered under Flood Management Works
  10. 02-01-2018 - Draft EIA-EMP for Blue Network
  11. Public Notice - Public consultations on 6th January 2018 at Mandadam and Neerukonda on EA-EMP and RAP for Flood Management Works
  12. Environmental Management Plans for works are part of tender documents. Tenders for Roads and other works can be accessed at
  13. Comments or suggestions on the above safeguards documents may please be mailed to or submit through Grievance/Feedback link of APCRDA website.
  14. FAQs on LPS in Telugu are available at Crda Website
  15. List of Project Affected Families
  16. Information Booklet on Resettlement Action Plan for 10 priority roads in Telugu
  17.    12.1 LPS Land Owners affected by 10 roads