Tenders / Auctions

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S.No.Department NameNotification NumberTender/Auction Initiated onTender/Auction Valid up toNotification DescriptionDownload
1 Procurement43/MAU61-ADMN0STG(OTH)/5/2024-STG/2nd call31/01/202515/02/2025Request for Proposal (RFP) for engaging a strategic management consulting firm for promotion of private sector participation in economic development of the Amaravati Capital City and Region
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2 Infrastructure-I & T & TMAU61-ADMN0SD(VI)/4/2025-IFR1/2nd call05/02/202513/02/2025Construction of New Railing at North side of Krishnayapalem Bridge and Providing BT approach to Both sides of Krishnayapalem Bridge Amaravati Capital City Area. Estimate Amount: Rs.9,80,000/-
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